Tuesday, May 8, 2012

1/2 Way There!!

Hi there, ladies and gents! It has been a very busy couple of weeks in here...and for mommy and daddy, too. We're growing so much. Can you believe that we each are about the length of a large banana? For us in here, we relate everything to food. Speaking of food, ice cream is still our favorite.

We have made it to the 1/2 way mark!
Looking great, mommy!

Look who came to celebrate the big 2-0!

Uncle Kelly, Daddy, Uncle Clayton, Uncle Jared,
Mommy, Auntie Kailey, Auntie Annie

For our 20 week celebration, mommy and daddy took us bowling for the first time. We were very excited to share the day with our best friends. All of us shared lots of laughs throughout the evening. Mommy couldn't bowl too much because we are making her belly bigger. Speaking of her kind of looks like she is smuggling a bowling ball of her own under her shirt! A very beautiful bowling ball, for sure. Mommy and Daddy visited with Dr. Wildey and he was happy to see us. He said that mommy is doing very well carrying us little munchkins. So well, that there are still no restrictions for mommy. The nurses even said she is doing better than some mommies carrying only one peanut at 20 weeks. Way to go, mommy!!

Well, we will talk to you all next week. Take care, and thank you for all the support you've given us all! :)


  1. Way to go Alecia!!!!! Keep growing babies!!!!

  2. Yay! Glad you guys are celebrating and doing well. Hang in there Alecia! You are great at bringing babies into the world!
    Love Jenn H

  3. Thanks for the update! We love to hear from our GrandBABIES:):):) They are taking after us already because they LOVE ice cream. Loren & Alecia you are going to be such GREAT parents!

    Love & miss you all
    Ma & Pa Hoheisel

  4. 20 weeks!!! Great..Just keep doing what you're doing. Life will soon be even more exciting and crazy and you guys will do well!!


  5. Super duper job ..Looking good!! you guys! see ya soon..let me know if there is anything you need or want me to do for ya!!
