Sunday, July 29, 2012

Crunching the Numbers

Hello from the Hoheisels! I hope this reaches you well. So we've been practicing our arithmetic and today we've got a few numbers for you all...

that's how many weeks of gestation we turned on Friday!

that's how many weeks old we are!

that's how many days we've spent in "the spa"!

that's about how many pounds we are combined!

1,000,000 +
that's how many thanks we owe so many people!

Jaxson Ray Hoheisel

So...we meet again! You may ask yourself what a 14-day old handsome, little boy knows about life, but I have quite the knowledge bank going on. So I compiled a list of things I have learned in my short, but eventful lifespan.

* Girls are needy. Those sisters of mine always want the attention of everyone. Me, I just relax and let my fans come to me. Works every time.

* Milk is goooood! I'm "drinking" 27 milliliters every 3 hours. With that being said, my preemie diapers may look big, but they are definitely needed.

*Every ounce counts. I am now weighing in at 2-pounds 15-ounces. I'm still the biggest of the trio, but they are starting to catch up.

* A change in scenery is sometimes needed. We moved! All three of us moved to a different section of the spa. Ella and I are in different isolettes and Charlie is still in her "giraffe".

* Less is more! I am not hooked up to an IV anymore. That means I am receiving all of my nutrients through milk. Less cords and wires means that I am able to be more awake. After my assessments, I am able to stay awake and explore the world. That's usually when mommy, daddy, and the nurses decide to snap a few hundred pictures of me.

* Thank you doesn't do justice right now. There are no words that can express my thanks to all of you. Your calls, visits, emails, messages, thoughts, prayers, and love have gotten us all through this. Each day is a roller coaster of emotions, so your continued kindness is beyond healing. For lack of a better phrase, THANK YOU!!!

Charlie Dawn Hoheisel

I am not sure if you remember this or not, but being a baby is a lot of hard work! So many things to remember and do and don't do. In order to warn other babies about the hard work, I made a list...

* The middle child syndrome is real. I always have to fight for attention with my needy brother and sister. Whenever someone is visiting me, they always have to be naughty to get attention. it begins!

* Gaining weight is great...if you're a baby! I am now up to 2-pounds 6-ounces. After us all losing a bit after birth, I am well on my way to catching up to my brother and sister.

* Green isn't a good color. I am still not enjoying my milk. When I eat, my tummy doesn't digest it very well and the milk decides to turn green. I am still getting all that I need, just not through the liquid gold.

* CPAP looks uncomfortable, but works great. I am still on my CPAP to help expand my lungs. With that huge mask on my pretty, little face, I look uncomfortable, but it helps me rest so much better. I am able to concentrate on getting stronger and not so much about remembering to breathe. Which I guess is pretty important...

* Hearing a heartbeat is soothing. I finally am able to hear my mommy and daddy's heartbeats. I get to cuddle with them like my brother and sister have been. Since they have been naughty while kangarooing with mommy and daddy, I get more time to bond.

* At 14 days old, I am already giving mommy and daddy gray hair. Mommy and daddy said they knew I was going to be Charlie for a long time. They wanted me to be Charlie because they knew they would yelling that name the most. I think they're right... I have a lot of things to improve on and get stronger. I am really, really trying to get stronger. The doctors say that I need more time to develop my tummy and lungs. Let's hope they are right because gray is not a good color for mommy and daddy!

Ella Grace Hoheisel

Why hello there! So you finally want my advice? I knew you'd be coming around, so I created a list of things that I think you should know. Listen up carefully and take notes...

* You slept like a baby? You mean you slept for 3-hours and then woke up to be poked, prodded, eat, poop, and moved around? Whoever made up that saying must not have children, have siblings, or have spent time in the spa. But don't get me wrong, I like that someone feeds me, changes me, rolls me over, and pretty much pampers me. I just would like to push snooze every once and awhile. A girls gotta get her beauty sleep!

* Ladies, sharing your weight is okay! As most beautiful ladies are worrying about losing weight, my sister and I are trying to gain. I am weighing in at a solid 2-pounds 10-ounces. Look out Jaxson, I'm catching up to you!

* Gotta catch some rays. Girls, you know what I mean, right? Us girls have to spend some time catching some rays. While in the spa, we all are still catching some photo-therapy rays. One day we're in the "sun" and the next we're in the shade. We can't really decide if we want to keep our bilirubin up or enjoy the rays. Mommy and daddy hope for no more rays.

* White is the new gold. I am loving my liquid gold. I am getting about 24 milliliters of milk every 3 hours. If you add that up, that's 192 milliliters a day! By the way...I also switched from swaddler diapers to preemie diapers.

* 4 diapers in 5 minutes... Let's just say the terms squirting, CODE BROWN, quit laughing and help, AHHH!, my glasses are fogging up, it's happening again, and UH OH! have never came out of daddy's mouth all at the same time. As for mommy and the other nurses, they couldn't say anything through their tears of laughter. Sorry daddy!! I swear it won't happen again... :)

* "ELLO! Cheers, mate!" In honor of mommy and daddy's love for the Olympics, I thought I'd say hi and thank you like they do in London. Thank you is not enough to express our gratitude for your love, special wishes, gifts, thoughts, and prayers. I am sending you all something love! Not just any baby love, but love from 3 babies! You've made this crazy journey of ups and downs smooth for us all. Even though some of you are miles, states, and countries away, you have gotten us through this. We are so grateful for the continued support as this journey holds many twists and turns. We love you all so much and cannot wait to meet each and every one of you. Until next time...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Celebrating Week 1

We're back, broadcasting live from "the spa" one week older and one week stronger! It has been a busy first week of life in the NICU. We're all doing as well as expected for babies born at 30 weeks, but it's going to be a very, very long road.

Jaxson Ray Hoheisel
So after a week, I'm trucking right along. Since I am just a wee little man, I am not able to eat much...yet. I am getting 7 milliliters of milk every 3 hours through a really annoying tube that goes in my nose and down to my tummy. They also trick me by putting some milk on a cotton swab and let me suck on that. Even though it's a trick, it's dang good! Mommy and daddy are visiting us a lot. They have been bathing me, holding me kangaroo style, and even changing my diapers. Speaking of changing diapers, I upgraded from "swaddler" to "preemie" diapers. Mommy is really good at changing our diapers, but daddy needs some work. My sisters and I never make it easy on him either. We always have our legs straight up in the air, crossed, or kicking all around. Mommy, Charlie, Ella, and I just giggle! I am also laying out in the sun, well kinda. I am actually getting phototherapy to help decrease my bilirubin level. I get to wear some pretty sweet sunglasses while I'm catching some rays. "I'm sexy and I know it!" Many of our visitors are surprised at how little we actually are. You think of 2 pounds and know that it's small, but when you see pictures of us, we kinda look just like any other baby. So it is kinda deceiving. The size might be deceiving, but our cuteness sure isn't!

Right after mommy made me mad by giving me a bath 
Snuggling with mommy 
Being a preemie is tough work

Charlie Dawn Hoheisel
I can't believe we are already a week old! Our time in the spa has been going very quickly. I mean, how couldn't it be great with people to bathe us, change us, and feed us? Well not feed me because I am not tolerating the feedings very well. Many tiny babies do not do very well with feedings at first, so they switch between no feedings and 1 milliliter. I still get the milk swab, so at least I get to taste the good stuff. Don't worry  though, I am getting all of the nutrients I need by IV and do not even know I am hungry because I am concentrating so hard on breathing. I get to sunbathe, too. I am also on CPAP. Besides covering most of my face, it helps push air into my lungs. I am able to breathe on my own, but my lungs need a little extra help growing. Being the middle child, I'm going to have to be a fighter and I am already testing those instincts. When Ella and Jaxson are getting attention from the nurses, I have to be naughty so the nurses pamper me. It has worked quite well, too. Mommy and daddy haven't been able to hold me much. Partly because I'm too dang comfy in my bed and don't want to be disturbed. But mostly it is because I have to concentrate on getting my system stronger. I suppose I should get my act together because mommy and daddy are getting antsy to snuggle this cutie patootie. As I get stronger and tolerate my feedings a bit more and strengthen my lungs, hopefully mommy and daddy can hold me. Many people told mommy and daddy that there would be many ups and downs each day, and mommy knew that from working at the spa. However, it is completely different when you're the mommy and not the nurse. I know it's hard on mommy and daddy, but because of their strength and the strength from our family and friends, we will get through this one step at a time.

So peaceful and relaxed
Notice my legs... always in strange positions
Wide awake after freshening up

Ella Grace Hoheisel
It sure is different with mommy and daddy at home and us still at the spa. I sometimes get sad knowing that mommy and daddy are sitting at home missing us as much as we miss them, but then I remember that we need to grow stronger and stronger so we can be at home with them. It's tough for all of us, but it is what we need. I am getting 5 milliliters of milk every 3 hours. I also switch back and forth from super small diapers and preemie diapers. Mommy and daddy usually get to hold me once a day. I LOVE IT!! When they hold me and I slip in their shirts, I snuggle right in and fall asleep. Hearing their heartbeats, feeling their warm skin, and being held tight is the best medicine...for us and mommy and daddy. I also am laying out catching some rays. You know, a girls gotta have her sun time! We've had lots of visitors lately. We've met our grandpas and grandmas, some aunts and uncles, and even some cousins. We've also met some of our really good friends. Just an FYI - - if one of the us goes missing, the first suspect would be Dr. Panda! He has been calling my sister Charlie Panda and me Ella Panda. What can I say, it's hard not to fall in love with the Hoheisel Triplets, and I think many would agree. The nurses say that Jaxson looks like daddy, Charlie looks like mommy, and I have the best features of both mommy and daddy. I think I'm okay with long as I don't get daddy's nose!

I'm not too sure about this bath business.
Finally able to stretch
Snuggle time with daddy 

As we continue to reach milestones while here at the spa, we will be sure to keep you updated. Now that mommy and daddy are at home, it allows time for everyone to rest and get stronger, even mommy and daddy. We continue to be surprised and humbled by the love and strength we receive from everyone. We heard mommy and daddy talking to a friend the other day and they said you really don't know what true love is until you're looking into 2 wondrous eyes of something so small, so beautiful, and so pure...or in mommy and daddy's case, 6 wondrous eyes! We know that it's hard for mommy and daddy to be away from us, but it makes the day when we're all healthy and strong even sweeter! 

Thanks, Becky!! Who knew McDonald's sold cakes?!?
Daddy said this is the only clown we can have ---
one that we can cut up and eat!

We appreciate the continued prayers and gifts of kind words from everyone. You're thoughtfulness is making each and every one of us stronger and stronger each day!

We love you all! Take care!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Trio has Arrived!

We're here - - 10 weeks early - - but we're here!!! On July 15th, 2012 at 9:28, 9:29, and 9:30 AM, we were able to meet the world! Nothing has been dull about our stay in mommy's tummy, so would you expect anything different from us? With many quick decisions made by mommy, daddy, the doctors, and the nurses, we are all doing great! Mommy is so awesome, and she kept us safe for so long! We know we're early, but because of mommy's strength, we're strong!

Jaxson Ray Hoheisel
I know it's early, but I am so glad to get a little space from my sisters. They were always kicking me, squishing me, and getting me to pick sides. But, I guess I do kind of miss them...but don't tell them that! I am the "tank" of the trio. Weighing in at 2 pounds 12 ounces and a length of 15 inches, I'm the whopper. I have a head full of dark hair so I'm already more handsome than daddy! So far, things are going pretty well for me, however, I'm always competing for attention out here. Those sisters of mine are hogging all my cute nurses! Well, it's time to show off my bulging muscles while the nurses check me out. Take care!
Daddy and Jaxson
Minutes after entering the world
Reaching and stretching after being so cramped

Charlie Dawn Hoheisel
I could never decide how to lay when in mommy's tummy, so it feels so nice to stretch out and have all of these wonderful nurses to keep me comfortable. It is so different out here. We don't here mommy's voice every time she talks and we don't have daddy trying to poke us to make us move. I am definitely the peanut of the trio. I'm weighing in the smallest at 2 pounds 2 ounces and a length of 13 inches. So far, I do need a little extra help breathing. Who knew there would be so many things to remember once we got out of mommy's tummy. But I'm working really hard at remembering to breath, smile for pictures, open my eyes, and look as cute as ever. Well, time for some more glamour shots. I'll talk to you soon! Love you!

Lot's of tubes, but still looking beautiful!
Minutes after entering the world
Charlie holding Mommy's hand

Ella Grace Hoheisel
OMG!! I don't know how you do it out here. It's cold! It's bright! And everyone is always waking me up right when I fall asleep! Ugh! The nurses call me the diva of the trio. I don't know where they would get that from! Weighing in at 2 pounds 5 ounces and a length of 14 inches, I'm not the biggest, but I do have the loudest cry. I have already been enjoying my pacifier. Daddy can't believe how small our little pacifiers, diapers, and IV's are. I think he has even more respect for what mommy does when she's at work. I sure miss snuggling up to my brother and sister. I can hear them, but I like when we are close. Well, it's time to get back to my spa treatment. Nurse, you can continue fanning me with those palm leaves! Buh-bye!
Mommy's first look at Ella
Mommy and Ella's "Kangaroo Time"
"That pen's got nothing on me!!!"

As we continue trucking through this amazing journey, no thanks could ever do justice to all of our family, friends, co-workers, nurses, doctors, and complete strangers who are willing to offer kind words and prayers on our behalf. "The Big Guy" has definitely been busy! The support is beyond humbling and is appreciated! We love you all so much and cannot wait to meet you! Take care and be safe!

Sunday, July 15, 2012



Proud is an understatement...

The TRIPLETS have arrived and are beginning their stay in the NICU Spa!

A = Jaxson Ray

B = Charlie Dawn 

C = Ella Grace

Alecia and the triplets are doing great! Continued prayers are appreciated!

Friday, July 13, 2012

210 Days = 30 Weeks!!!

Guess who is the only known woman pregnant with 
triplets in ND at this time?

It is us, the Hoheisel Triplets, broadcasting live from room 438 at the Altru Hospital. We are glad that we're still able to write you a little note today because that means we are still growing and getting stronger while relaxing in mommy's tummy. 30 weeks ~ WOW!!!

So we've been practicing our math in our free time...
18,144,000 seconds
302,000 minutes
5,040 hours
210 days
30 weeks
6.9 months

We continue to follow our daily schedule of ultra sounds, monitoring heartbeats, relaxing, eating, sleeping, reading, watching TV, playing games, and visiting with friends. It has been a very scary week, that is for sure. During our ultra sounds each morning, the goal is to see how our blood flow is from the umbilical cord. Like we had said before, flow is awesome, no flow is not good, and reversal is terrible. We have experienced all of them this week! Needless to say, mommy and daddy have been a little stressed out and worried. Even more than usual! It is strange because each morning our values change so much, so we're keeping everyone on their toes.

One way the doctors check to make sure our cords are doing their jobs is by doing a growth scan. So here are our latest weights...

Handsome Baby 1:
2 pounds 9 ounces

Beautiful Baby 2:
1 pound 15 ounces

Gorgeous Baby 3:
2 pounds 3 ounces 

We also had another test this week. It is called a Biophysical Profile Assessment (BPP). This test is to check our movement and breathing. And guess what... we all received 100% on the test!! That's right, we're already prodigies because usually babies do not score that well until they are about 32 weeks. I think mommy and daddy are ready to put "Our Kids are Honor Students" bumper stickers on their vehicles.

It also has been a sad week for our family. Our Great-Grandpa Gust Aipperspach passed away. We've heard great stories about Grandpa Gust and are sad that we couldn't meet him, but our family knows that there is one more angel in a cowboy hat looking after all of us. Our families have been very sad, but a great friend told daddy that "Every life lost is another life gained..." With that being said, Great-Grandpa Gust must have been TRIPLE the man!! Grandma Jacquie, as well as the rest of our family, said that is beyond true!! He will be greatly missed by so many, but we know he will be looking after each and every one of us as his legacy lives on. We love you, Grandpa!!

John Wayne's right-hand man!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

We continue to appreciate your generous gifts of thoughts and prayers to all of our family. We are only as strong as the people around us! As we pass the 30 week mark, things are looking so positive for us triplets. Each day we are growing stronger and stronger. We continue to evaluate things day-by-day. So we could join the world today, tomorrow, next week, or even in two months -- no one knows! But we do know that mommy is doing a wonderful job keeping us safe and helping us grow! Good job, mommy!

We love you all very much! 
We will talk to you again soon, but not too soon!
How about we see if we can make it another week?!?! 
31 weeks -- here we come!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Extended Stay at the "Altru Hotel"

"And there was a lady who ate a
whole watermelon!
- Wyatt

Hi there, it is us again, the triplets! We are back to write a quick note about how things have been going this past week. Well, first thing's first - - THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! With lots of visitors, goodies, magazines, food, messages, and drop-ins, this past week has been...tolerable! I suppose as good as hospital stay can be! :-P

Our routine is pretty well set while spending time at the "Altru Hotel". We start out the day by waking up early for an ultra sound. This is to check each of our cord flows. We are always keeping the technicians, nurses, and doctors on their toes because our cord flows are constantly changing. We aren't really sure why our cord flows are changing from day to day, but since we're in the hospital, we've gotta keep it interesting!! Just another reason for mommy to rest and daddy to go crazy in here. 

We end our day by having Non-Stress Tests (NSTs). This is usually quite a production! The goal is to have each of our heartbeats on the monitor for long periods of time...all at the same time. Can you imagine us babies sitting still long enough to do this?!? Because mommy and daddy are sure waiting for that to actually happen! It should only take about 20-30 minutes, but we are averaging 90-120 minutes. And guess what...mommy is still a patient patient!

We continue to see Dr. Wildey each day. We are so lucky to be in such great hands! Days, weeks, months - - no one knows! Each and every day is a blessing. So we'll try our best to keep "baking" as long as you keep praying! Mommy and daddy have had some pretty emotional days, but we know that your support and love have gotten them through - - day-by-day!

We spend the day trying to rest. Mommy is doing a great job of keeping us comfortable in here. She only is allowed to get up a few times a day, so we're all resting a lot. Mommy and daddy try to occupy themselves by visiting with friends, watching movies, listening to music, reading, playing games, doing crossword puzzles, and napping. Daddy and mommy love to nap, but it's definitely not like nappy time at home.

Look, all 6 cousins together!
(Gunnar, Piper, Avery, Baby A, Baby B, Baby C)
Our family pictures will sure look differently these days!

Daddy said it's time to get back to resting, so we will talk to you all later. Thanks to all of our nurses, doctors, friends, family, and every one else out there that have been thinking of us, praying for us, and being so great to our family! We already love you all so much!!

Baby A
Baby B
Baby C