Friday, July 13, 2012

210 Days = 30 Weeks!!!

Guess who is the only known woman pregnant with 
triplets in ND at this time?

It is us, the Hoheisel Triplets, broadcasting live from room 438 at the Altru Hospital. We are glad that we're still able to write you a little note today because that means we are still growing and getting stronger while relaxing in mommy's tummy. 30 weeks ~ WOW!!!

So we've been practicing our math in our free time...
18,144,000 seconds
302,000 minutes
5,040 hours
210 days
30 weeks
6.9 months

We continue to follow our daily schedule of ultra sounds, monitoring heartbeats, relaxing, eating, sleeping, reading, watching TV, playing games, and visiting with friends. It has been a very scary week, that is for sure. During our ultra sounds each morning, the goal is to see how our blood flow is from the umbilical cord. Like we had said before, flow is awesome, no flow is not good, and reversal is terrible. We have experienced all of them this week! Needless to say, mommy and daddy have been a little stressed out and worried. Even more than usual! It is strange because each morning our values change so much, so we're keeping everyone on their toes.

One way the doctors check to make sure our cords are doing their jobs is by doing a growth scan. So here are our latest weights...

Handsome Baby 1:
2 pounds 9 ounces

Beautiful Baby 2:
1 pound 15 ounces

Gorgeous Baby 3:
2 pounds 3 ounces 

We also had another test this week. It is called a Biophysical Profile Assessment (BPP). This test is to check our movement and breathing. And guess what... we all received 100% on the test!! That's right, we're already prodigies because usually babies do not score that well until they are about 32 weeks. I think mommy and daddy are ready to put "Our Kids are Honor Students" bumper stickers on their vehicles.

It also has been a sad week for our family. Our Great-Grandpa Gust Aipperspach passed away. We've heard great stories about Grandpa Gust and are sad that we couldn't meet him, but our family knows that there is one more angel in a cowboy hat looking after all of us. Our families have been very sad, but a great friend told daddy that "Every life lost is another life gained..." With that being said, Great-Grandpa Gust must have been TRIPLE the man!! Grandma Jacquie, as well as the rest of our family, said that is beyond true!! He will be greatly missed by so many, but we know he will be looking after each and every one of us as his legacy lives on. We love you, Grandpa!!

John Wayne's right-hand man!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

We continue to appreciate your generous gifts of thoughts and prayers to all of our family. We are only as strong as the people around us! As we pass the 30 week mark, things are looking so positive for us triplets. Each day we are growing stronger and stronger. We continue to evaluate things day-by-day. So we could join the world today, tomorrow, next week, or even in two months -- no one knows! But we do know that mommy is doing a wonderful job keeping us safe and helping us grow! Good job, mommy!

We love you all very much! 
We will talk to you again soon, but not too soon!
How about we see if we can make it another week?!?! 
31 weeks -- here we come!!


  1. Amen! What an awesome job yur doin! Keep strong, and keep the faith! Most of all keep growin! Prayers comin your way always!

  2. Thanks for the update! Let's hope for another update at 31 weeks! Stay strong and positive....relax and breathe!


  3. So glad to hear those three little voices! Mom and Dad - you are awesome! Stay the course:)

  4. YEAH!!!!! So thankful for reaching this benchmark!!!!! Can't wait to come harrass you next weekend while I am working and celebrate 31 weeks!

  5. Think about your family often and am so glad to hear all is going well enough. Sorry to hear about the passing of your great Grandpa, but another angel looking over you is indeed a "good thing". Keep on incubating!
    Looking forward to meeting you in a year or so!
    One of the great cousins, Tammy
